Based on the original fairy tale by Brothers Grimm, this magical opera tells the tale of Hansel and Gretel. Children will love the thrill of this classic story, as well as learning more about composer Engelbert Humperdinck, and hearing some of his beautiful music and songs, sung in their original language, German.
- Screen-free: Tonies are audiobooks, songs and stories that work with a Toniebox, the innovative portable music player system that combines screen-free playing, learning and listening
- Easy to use: Place any of the tonies audio characters on top of the Toniebox music player for kids, and it starts playing. Take it off, it stops. It is so easy to use, even toddlers can operate it
- Designed for kids: All Tonies are made especially for use by children – they are incredibly robust and have no sharp edges. They are also hand-painted in child-friendly designs
- Hansel and Gretel: When placed on the music player, this tonie brings to life this classic opera which has been adapted for tonies, taking children on this fairytale journey from the Brothers Grimm
- Delivery scope: tonies audio character - Favourite Masterpieces - Hansel and Gretel. 1x audio character with music and story. Approx 45 min run time. Requires Toniebox to use (sold separately)
About the Brand: Tonies is a German-based toy company that produces a unique line of interactive audio toys for children. Tonies was founded in 2016, and as of 2023, the company has been in existence for approximately 7 years. Tonies has enjoyed significant success in the toy industry since its founding.
Type of Products: Their products include Tonies figures, which are small figurines that contain audio content such as stories, songs, and educational material, and Tonieboxes, which are portable speakers that play the content from the Tonies figures. Tonies has partnered with several well-known brands and franchises, such as Disney, Peppa Pig, and The Gruffalo, to produce licensed Tonies figures that have been popular with children and parents alike. Tonies has also expanded its product line to include educational content, such as language learning and history lessons, which has been well-received by educators and parents.
Type of Users: Tonies target market is primarily children between the ages of 3 and 10, as well as parents and caregivers who are interested in providing educational and entertaining content for their children.